svelte-right-click is driven by a schema that defines the nodes to render inside a context menu including their text content, callback functions to run on click, and any child nodes.
type ContextMenuSchema = {
container?: HTMLElement;
nodes: ContextMenuSchemaNode[];
is a an optional field in a schema, that “contains” the context menu within a given element, rather than globally on the page. Simply bind the element you want to enable ContextMenu within, then use the ref in your schema.
<script lang="ts">
import { contextMenuSchema } from 'svelte-right-click';
import type { ContextMenuSchema } from 'svelte-right-click';
let ref: HTMLElement;
const schema = {
container: ref,
nodes: []
} as ContextMenuSchema;
<div bind:this={ref}>
<!-- container where ContextMenu will be active -->
is an array field in a schema that represents the structure of the context menu. This arrays items can be one of two types: ContextMenuParentNode
(parent node) & ContextMenuSchemaActionNode
(action node).
Parent Nodes
Parent nodes define a sub tree of the context menu.
type ContextMenuSchemaParentNode = {
node_type: 'parent';
node_content: string; // text to display inside the node
node_is_open: boolean; // open/close state
children: ContextMenuSchemaActionNode[];
Currently, parent nodes can not contain other parent nodes. This is to ensure the best UX for end users.
Action Nodes
Action nodes run a callback function provided in the schema. The callback recieves a Svelte store as an argument to allow for updating the context menus open state within the callback function.
type ContextMenuSchemaActionNode = {
node_type: 'action';
node_content: string;
callback: (openState?: Writable<boolean>) => void;